Entering in my number range...

Entry number three wins the shirt! That comment was left by Kristofer Ruiz. Kristofer, please write to me at chasmosaurs(at)gmail(dot)com to let me know which tee you'd like and I'll get it sent off to you.
Thanks all for your link shares over the last week, and during the whole span of the campaign. We've been getting great response, and though full funding (and therefore printing the book) is not guaranteed, we're approaching the 50% funded level and I still believe it's possible that we'll make it. To help with that, I've dropped the perk level for illustration commissions a whole $200. It's a steal!

I'll do prehistoric critters, pet portraits, art for kid's rooms... whatever. So head over to the Indiegogo campaign page and check it out. Thanks again for all the support.
Excellent, no problem. Congrats, and thanks again!